Clinical and epidemiological pictures of pediatric patients treated after covid-19
COVID-19, pandemia, signos y síntomas, pacientes vacunadosAbstract
Introduction. COVID-19 became a pandemic and has continued to plague the world until now, pediatric ages have not been exempt from this disease.
Objective. To describe the clinical and epidemiological pictures of pediatric patients seen Methods. A retrospective, descriptive study of 29 pediatric patients of both sexes between the ages of 2 and 18 was carried out. Age, sex, clinical status, epidemiology, admission, vaccination and treatment were analyzed.
Results. There was a predominance of males. The predominant age group was 10 to 18 years old, 66 % of the cases studied had fever and respiratory manifestations at the beginning of the disease. 36 % were admitted to established hospital centers. Twenty of the patients seen had at least one dose of the vaccine at the time of consultation.
Conclusions. The male sex predominated and the majority age group were adolescents. The most frequent clinical picture found was fever and respiratory manifestations. All the patients were contacts of positive cases, and all evolved favorably. The patients vaccinated with the complete schedule did not need to be admitted to the hospital and the clinical manifestations were null or very slight.
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