Effect of the use of the Armeo Spring in increasing the articulate amplitude of the superior limbs


  • Tania Francia González Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana
  • Jenny Nodarse Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana
  • Maydané Torres Aguilar Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana
  • Odalys Boys Lam Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana
  • Estela Quesada Rodríguez Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN). La Habana


Armeo Spring, articulate amplitude, superior limbs, cerebrovascular accidents


Introduction: In recent years, new technologies have been developed aimed at supporting the rehabilitation of the upper limbs to achieve greater and faster recovery of lost functions in patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular accident. Among these is the use of robotic systems that have proven to be an effective tool for this purpose.

Methods: 42 patients with hemiparesis as a sequela of cerebrovascular accident were studied, with an average age of 47.2 years, who received treatment with the use of the Armeo Spring three times a week for 45 minutes, combined with conventional therapy. The evaluation protocol used was the goniometric measurement of the joints and the application of the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test.

Results: The analysis of the results allowed to appreciate the degree of improvement of the sample under study.

Conclusions: A significant improvement in the joint width of the upper limbs was observed after using the Armeo Spring in the rehabilitation process, which allowed a greater functionality of the same.


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How to Cite

Francia González T, Nodarse J, Torres Aguilar M, Boys Lam O, Quesada Rodríguez E. Effect of the use of the Armeo Spring in increasing the articulate amplitude of the superior limbs. Invest Medicoquir [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];14(2):e777. Available from: https://revcimeq.sld.cu/index.php/imq/article/view/777



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