Usefulness of hypopressive exercise in the treatment of urinary incontinence



disfunción del suelo pélvico, incontinencia urinaria, gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva


The conservative therapy is the first line in the clinical recommendations in the handling of the urinary incontinence, specifically the rehabilitation through the training of the musculature of the pelvic floor, the hypopresive abdominal gymnastic has become a preference therapy in the treatment of these dysfunctions and its use as form of abdominal training he/she is extending for the smallest risk that supposes for the musculature perineal. The habitual practice of physical exercises, such as the exercises of Kegel and the hypopresive abdominal gymnastic, improves the muscular tone, the force of the musculature pelvic-perineal and the quality of people's life increases with dysfunctions of the pelvic floor. There were carried out electronic searches and in libraries of magazines doctors national and foreign indexed in SciELO, Imbiomed and Pubmed, in Spanish and English language, as well as revisions of thesis of termination of studies and books of texts, with information related with dysfunction of the pelvic floor. As preventive method, the abdominal gymnastics hipopresiva the same as the exercises of Kegel, he/she helps to the improvement and activation of the pelvic floor and therefore, it can avoid, the appearance of dysfunctions of the pelvic floor.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Adams EM, Pérez Rodríguez NM. Usefulness of hypopressive exercise in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Invest Medicoquir [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];14(3):e786. Available from:



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