Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to patients with lumbar disc herniation


  • Anahi Demosthene Sterling Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas (CIMEQ). La Habana
  • Marbelia Iglesias González Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas (CIMEQ). La Habana
  • Michel Álvarez Pérez Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas (CIMEQ). La Habana


lumbar disc herniation, hyperbaric oxygen


Introduction: Lumbar pain associated to this disease constitutes the main consultation reason and inability. The search of non-invasive therapies that relieves the symptoms and modifies the evolution of the degenerative disc process has motivated the use of the Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO).

Methods: A cuasi- experimental study was carried out in patients with lumbar disc herniation, who received 30 sessions of HBO into multiplace hyperbaric chamber at 2,2 ATA during 50 minutes, in the period from 2018 to 2020. The studied variables were age, sex, risk factors, pain intensity, neurological symptoms and functional capacity. The treatment answer was evaluated through the Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) for the pain and the Oswestry Discapacity Index (ODI) for the functional capacity.

Results: It was prevailed sex feminine and the half age of 47,4 years. The disc degeneration was the most frequent antecedent (75%). After HBO treatment lumbar pain improved in 85,7% of the cases, the radicular pain in 64,3%, the paresthesias in 93,8% and the functional capacity in 78,6%. The VAS media’s difference before and after the HBO was bigger to 4 points, and the ODI media’s difference was bigger than 15%, which are the established criteria to consider that treatment is effective. The 78,6% of patients had an excellent answer to the treatment, the 10,7 % had a good answer, the 3,6% had regular answer and the 7,1 % had a bad answer.

Conclusions: The HBO therapy decreases symptoms of the patients with lumbar disc herniation and it improves the functional capacity.


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How to Cite

Demosthene Sterling A, Iglesias González M, Álvarez Pérez M. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to patients with lumbar disc herniation. Invest Medicoquir [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];14(2):e775. Available from: https://revcimeq.sld.cu/index.php/imq/article/view/775



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