Relationship between occlusion alterations and degree of temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with class II division 2 syndrome
High-class syndrome II division 2, occlusal characteristics, temporomandibular dysfunctionAbstract
Introduction: The patients with the high-class syndrome II division 2 show a disto-occlusion of canines and molars, normal or decreased overjet and overbite increased. These characteristics may be associates to the appearing of the temporomandibular dysfunction in these patients. Objective: Determining the relation between the alterations of the occlusion and the degree of temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with high-class syndrome II division 2.
Methods: Observacional accomplished a study itself, descriptive, cross-section in teens with ages between 12 and 19 years, that attend in the “Policlínico Docente Vedado”, in Plaza de la Revolución, to the Poly-Clinician “Julio Antonio Mella” or to the Stomatological Clinic “Yuri Gómez Reinoso” once both institutions in Guanabacoa, in the period understood between September of the 2015 to September of 2020 were located. They determined the relations of molars and canines, the overjet, overbite and the degree of temporomandibular dysfunction after the fashion of the index of Temporomandibular Disfunción Modified of Maglione and collaborators
Results: The majority of the patients presented relations of disto- occlusion of a quarter unit of canines (48.8 %) and of molars (53.8 %), normal overjet (92.5 %), without statistical association with the degrees of temporomandibular dysfunction. The overbite increased was observed in 100 % of patients whith statistical association came across the degrees of temporomandibular dysfunction.
Conclusions: The overbite increased II is the main occlusal characteristic of the patients with class division 2 that the associate is with the degree of temporomandibular dysfunction.
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