Therapeutic alternative to train attention in children with neurological
attention, neurological affections, attention déficit, CogniPlusAbstract
Introduction: CogniPlus is a scientifically based, interactive test battery that identifies the patient`s ability and automatically adapts. Given its characteristics and the advantages offered by it use, its utility for the entertainment of the attention functions in children with neurological conditions is justified.
Methods: An intervention study was carried out, using the pre-experiment, in a sample of 56 children with neurological disorders and associated attention deficit attended at the International Center for Neurological Restoration from January/2018 to December/2019, whose ages ranged from 7 and 12 years, for two cycles (56 days of treatment), 6 weekly frequencies of 1-hour duration. The RH Crespo Test was applied for the initial and final evaluation. Results were compared using percentage calculation, the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs non-parametric test and Descriptive Statistics.
Results: They showed improvements in the number of correct strikeouts decrease in omissions, errors and execution time, increasing the Accuracy Index by 24.8%, the Net Efficiency Index by 0.33 % and obtaining a percentage of statistical significance of p<0.05 in non-parametric test applied.
Conclusions: The applied instrument influenced positively in the compensation of the manifest attention deficit in children with neurological affections sampled and to achieve a greater concentration of their attention in the execution of motor, manipulative and cognitive tasks.
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