Cuantitative Elastography in malignant breast lesion


  • Yaysel Miñoso Arabi
  • Dayana Ugarte Moreno
  • Tatiana Rosales Vega
  • María Caridad de Armas Fernández
  • José Carlos Ugarte Suárez


malignan breast lesion, breast cancer, ultrasound, elastography


The breast cancer is the most commune in the world, the women are the most affected, it is the second cause of death in America, every year there are at least 462 000 of new case and 100 000 deaths of this cause.1 At the last year, there have made research about new technologies with the objectives to increase the diagnosis of this disease. At present it has emerged the new use of the ultrasound based on the elasticity properties of the tissues, this technology is know like elastograhy ultrasound, that which increase the precision of the diagnosis. The development and application of this technology in breast, has allowed describing the elasticity of the breast lesions detected in B mode. It was probe that the elastografhy ultrasound has given prognostic information and the response of the neoadjuvant therapy, it was allowing the breast cancer considered like heterogeneous disease. The objective of this work is to test validity of the elastograghy ultrasound in the diagnostic to breast cancer and to avoid the unnecessary biopsies. 

How to Cite

Miñoso Arabi Y, Ugarte Moreno D, Rosales Vega T, de Armas Fernández MC, Ugarte Suárez JC. Cuantitative Elastography in malignant breast lesion. Invest Medicoquir [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];14(3):e808. Available from:



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