Risk factors associated with non-carious dental lesions


  • Héctor Juan Ruiz Candina
  • Aleida Herrera Batista


abrasión, atrición, abfracción, erosión, alimentos abrasivos, alimentos ácidos, refrescos


Introduction: Non-carious dental lesions comprise a set of tooth alterations that lead to pathological wear of enamel and dentin. It is suggested that the causes that provoke them may be of different origins, among which certain eating habits may have been pointed out. In Cuba, this type of injury is not frequently diagnosed and apparently it is not given due dental care, so knowing its causes can be a satisfactory solution for this type of injury.

Objective. To identify the risk factors factors most frequent related to each of the different clinical forms of the disease.

Methods. 876 randomly selected patients who were treated at the Siboney Stomatological Clinic for a period of 10 months and by a single professional were analyzed. A survey was applied to the selected patients to find out their eating habits and they underwent a dental examination to determine the type of non-carious dental lesion.

Results It was found that 102 of the 876 patients were carriers of such lesions. The most frequent was attrition, followed by abfraction and abrasion; the least frequent was erosion. Most of the patients were heavy consumers of vinegar and soft drinks, especially cola.

Conclusions. These injuries are frequent especially among men, increasing with age the consumption of acidic foods, soft drinks.



How to Cite

Ruiz Candina HJ, Herrera Batista A. Risk factors associated with non-carious dental lesions. Invest Medicoquir [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];14(3):e795. Available from: https://revcimeq.sld.cu/index.php/imq/article/view/795



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